XLR8®Bio Liquid Bio-Fertiliser

XLR8®Bio is an organic liquid concentrate that enhances soil health and boosts plant productivity naturally. It accelerates the reproduction of native soil biology, unlocking nutrients into plant-available forms and delivering essential trace elements and micronutrients for optimal plant growth.

When used with HumiSoil®, a top-soil builder, XLR8®Bio offers:

  • Increased crop quality and yield
  • Improved soil health and biodiversity
  • Better soil structure
  • Reduced irrigation and fertiliser costs (by over 50% within 3 years)
  • Lower pesticide and herbicide use (by 90%)
  • Enhanced carbon sequestration
  • Increase soil carbon by 3% in 3 years

Both products are made from recycled nutrients, closing the loop on the circular economy and reducing costly inputs. By recycling waste from the land, growers save money and enhance soil sustainability.

Xlr8® Bio Liquid Fertiliser Mareeba
Xlr8 Bio Liquid Fertiliser
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One of the key factors to introducing these biological products as a complete on-farm system, is to significantly reduce the volume of inputs required over time. Saving the grower money while building their productivity and soil health.

Jess Uhlig ~ Founder

XLR8®Bio – Soil Probiotic & Liquid Fertiliser

  • Fixes nitrogen in soil from atmosphere
  • Increases organic carbon through enhanced sequestration
  • Builds soil structure
  • Mobilises phosphorus and other locked nutrients
  • Manufactures H20 within soil
  • Increases yield and nutrient density in produce

Application – per year

XLR8®Bio can be applied direct to soil in spray, foliar or fertigated at a diluted rate of 1:10.

Rates* for application are:

  • 75lts / ha first application
  • 37.5lts / ha subsequent crop cycles

*rates may vary depending on soil quality and combined use of HumiSoil®.


XLR8®Bio is a liquid concentrate to be diluted with water 1:10.

2.5 litres = $24 

10 litres = $80 

20 litres = $145 

1000 litres = $5,500

Success story – Sturrock Farm, QLD

Using XLR8®Bio and creating HumiSoil® for more than 10 years. Seeing native grasses return he hasn’t seen for over 40 years. Surviving the worst drought in Queensland history …